Tools for Stay At Home Mums Running a Business

Juggling family life while running a business from home can often feel like you need to be in ten places at once. However, running a home based business gives parents the opportunity to develop a career and earn money that fits in with life with children. Although it is not always easy, ‘mumpreneurs’ can gain the work/life balance they want. If you are struggling to keep up with the demands of running a business while looking after children or want to know more about time-saving ways to get tasks done, this is the advice you need.

Tools for Stay At Home Mums Running a Business

tools for stay at home mums running a business

Scheduling Tools

Giving a structure to your day will help you be more in control of all the tasks you need to do, rather than feeling overwhelmed by them. Have a set time where you make calls or answer emails, use the two-hour window you have in the afternoons to work on your projects, and know the times where you have activities with your children. If your children are at school, plan when to do the tasks for your business in advance, as that will help you stick to a schedule and meet goals.

Time Saving Tools

Time-saving tools to help you run a business are something that all work at home mums benefit from. Use scheduling software or interactive calendars to organise your appointments as well as noting children’s activities. It is impossible to remember everything so be sure to use what is available to you.

Save time by using fun, easy to use tools to market your business. Let’s say you want to make a promotional coupon for your business, design a flyer or work out an email template. Choose platforms that are user-friendly to save you time and the headache of working out how it all works.

Marketing a business takes time and effort, but if you use social media, then there are countless tools where you can schedule posts across a variety of platforms in advance. This saves you time logging in and writing posts, as it can all be managed from one place.

People Power

When you are a parent working from home, you have to put on many different hats during your day. Breakfast maker, email writer, school runner, house cleaner, accountant and more. If you find the business side of things is getting busy, don’t be afraid to ask for help now and then. Ask you, partner, to take over some of the household duties, or get a friend to watch your kids while you meet a client. It is also a good idea to read advice from other successful mothers who run a business from home, and see what you can apply to your own.

There its also the option of virtual assistants.  You can hire people online to do all sorts of tasks from your business that you don’t have time to do!


Running a business from home while being a stay at home parent is one of the most rewarding and difficult of challenges. Put the right tools in place to help you get it right, and you can enjoy the work/life balance that brings the most benefits to you and your family.

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