The big boy bed {The Ordinary Moments 15} #8

So as you know we moved house last weekend!
We decided it was a good time to move Arthur to his ‘big boy bed’

Since we will need the cot again in August, we wanted to make sure that we moved Arthur well before that to give him as much time as possible getting used to his new bed before his baby brother or sister arrived.  We didn’t want him to feel like he was being kicked out of his cot!

So anyway, last Saturday night was Arthur’s first night in his new bed.
We don’t have any special guards for the side of his bed so we put a mattress on the side and one at the bottom of the bed in case he fell out.

It was weird.  It felt like it should have been a huge moment in our lives, and I guess to look back on it, it is a big milestone.
At the time though, it didn’t really feel so huge.  We did Arthur’s bed time routine exactly the same as we have done since he was teeny tiny.  He got into his new big boy bed and we did his bed time stories, the same as we always do.   He snuggled up with Bunny and Blanket the same way he always does.
It was the same.

Except of course it wasn’t.

Our teeny tiny baby boy, was in his big boy bed.

We went in to check on him a few more times than usual.  Since we have an upstairs now we weren’t sure if we would hear him if he had woken up.

When we went to bed we opened his bedroom door as we always have done, he was fast asleep.

He slept all the way through without any problems, he didn’t fall out, he didn’t cry.
I heard him get up at around 6am, he played with his toys for a little while and then he came to find us and start his day!!  He was happy to be in his new house and happy to see his Mummy and Daddy.

We didn’t take any pictures that first night.  I didn’t write about it on twitter.  I don’t know why.  Perhaps we didn’t want to ‘jinx’ anything.  In case this first night was a fluke and it all went downhill after that.

Nap times haven’t even been that different.  The first couple of days when I took him to his bed he stayed up and played for a while before falling asleep but aside from that he’s still getting his two hours.  I’m still ensuring I get my sleepy cuddles with him before he wakes up properly.  Except now I can get into his bed with him to snuggle.

I took a little snap of him during nap time the other day, it’s not a particularly great picture but it does show how tiny he looks in his new bed. That perhaps he’s not such a big boy yet after all!
Big boy bed

It’s been a week now.  Arthur has taken the move to his big boy bed completely in his stride.
We’ve been in his room a few times and found him on one of the mattresses on the floor but still asleep so we’ve just scooped him back up and put him into his bed.  One night he must have rolled off the mattress on the floor and woke up, I put him straight back to his bed and after a little cuddle he went back off to sleep no problem at all.

We are so very proud of our special little guy for doing so well.  He has always surprised us with how adaptable to change he is.  I know that a lot of this is down to the fact we’ve had such a good routine with him for so long (which sounds kind of contradictory I know!!).

We have been so lucky that he’s made it so easy for us.  But there is a part of me that’s sad.  The part that’s not ready for our baby to become the ‘big’ boy he’s so rapidly becoming, the part that can’t quite believe that this little boy is going to be a big brother, and definitely doesn’t think he’s big enough for his big boy bed.

The part that still sees this teeny tiny boy

Big boy bed.  I still see this tiny boy


Linking up with Katie for the Ordinary Moments
The OrdinaryMoments

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