Tag: UK trip

Our UK trip {Leamington Spa}

I started writing this post on our last day in Leamington Spa before we headed down to Plymouth to see my side of the family but I decided to take a little break on the blog and really make sure I made the most of the 

A “broken” routine {The Ordinary Moments} 19

Before we went away we knew that we would have a “broken” routine for Arthur.  We were totally okay with that. It would be hard work when we came back here, but it would mean that everyone would be able to have a good time 

14 months

I’m not sure why but 14 months sounds and feels very grown up all of a sudden! This whole month we have spent in the UK and Arthur has loved every day! Something that has made us incredibly proud this month is how much Arthur 

13 months old

Today Arthur you are 13 months old!!! I’ve not actually had Arthur weighed this month we normally get it done the time we travelled. I can confirm he’s still a chunk! Teeth: 10…I think, frankly I’m too scared to put my finger in to get 

Seychelles to Birmingham-We’re here!!!

It’s travel day!!! Obligatory airport selfie shot As I’m writing this we are about an hour into our flight (6 hours to go!) from Dubai so we successfully completed Arthur’s first commercial flight (Seychelles to Dubai!) The first flight was around 4.5 hours long and 

Organisation {word of the week}

  This week has had to be all about Organisation. We’ve had guests staying with us (they are going to be house sitting for us while we are away) and of course we have the big trip to the UK coming up. Mark and I 

Our UK trip (things are coming together)

Okay so it’s now one week till we are in the UK (eeeeek!!). Things seem to be coming together now and currently I’m feeling a little more relaxed about it all! We had a busy weekend with some commitments at the school but we also