Tag: hospital

Freddie is 4 months old

Argh, I am over a week late with this….I suck!   Freddie is 4 months old.   His eyes are still very very blue, they are beautiful.  Sometimes they appear darker blue and sometimes rather light, Arthur’s were really dark brown already by this point, 

38 weeks pregnant

I had written this post while we were on Mahe getting ready to have Freddie!  Thought I’d publish this so I can look back on it and have the complete bump update set!!   Better late than never right!?  Oh, and I rather rubbishly didn’t 

A trip to hospital (A bad mama moment)

Sunday started off as such a lovely day, we had a nice big breakfast had a bit of a lazy morning and then we went for a family swim at the pool. It was really hot even by mid afternoon so Arthur and I were