Tag: baby sleep

When baby sleep makes you question everything you know about parenting!

Isn’t it crazy how baby sleep makes you question everything you know about parenting! Freddie is almost 5 months old.  This month his sleep has gone downhill!  He’s always slept so well, getting up 1-2 times a night for a feed. “It’s the 4 month sleep 

Freddie is 4 months old

Argh, I am over a week late with this….I suck!   Freddie is 4 months old.   His eyes are still very very blue, they are beautiful.  Sometimes they appear darker blue and sometimes rather light, Arthur’s were really dark brown already by this point, 

Freddie Ocean is 1 month old

Today our tiny squishy boy Freddie Ocean is one month old!! I’ve been super unorganised and not yet written his birth story but I will get round to it!! In all the cliche ways I don’t know how we are here already, but at the 

A “broken” routine {The Ordinary Moments} 19

Before we went away we knew that we would have a “broken” routine for Arthur.  We were totally okay with that. It would be hard work when we came back here, but it would mean that everyone would be able to have a good time 

Changing the nap routine

This week we are trying out a change in Arthur’s routine.   We are going to test it out for a couple of weeks and see how it goes! Arthur is almost 11 months now.  His bed time is around 6:30pm and he goes to sleep 

The Lullaby {The Ordinary Moments} #10

It’s Sunday so I’m linking up with the lovely Katie at Mummy Daddy Me for the Ordinary Moments! Every night ato the end of Arthur’s routine we read him one of two lullabies.  Marks favorite is The Owl and The Pussycat. This is mine: Wynken, Blynken & Nod 

A sleepy change

It’s been a week. Last Sunday night Arthur slept through the night for the first time ever. It was amazing. But, it had a twinge of sadness attached.  Arthur had been having a bottle for all his feeds except the night feed.  Him sleeping through