Just the two of us {The Ordinary Moments 15} #7

On Tuesday Mark left to go to London to do some interviews for new teachers at the school.

This ment that Arthur and I would be by ourselves for 5 nights!

Now this might now seem like a big deal for many, after all a partner working away is not all that uncommon!  However, for us, this was the first time!
Since Arthur has been born I think Mark has been away for 1 night.  That’s it!  So 5 nights for us has been a pretty big deal!

I’ve been very anxious about it on the lead up to it!
It’s now Sunday morning, Mark is home in a few hours and if I do say so myself, we have done pretty good!!

Arthur and I have been swimming every day, both at the pool and at the beach!  He is such a water baby, he goes absolutely crazy, I love it!  I need to start taking the camera when we go swimming again and capture some of those moments! It’s been nice just to enjoy them first hand though and not worry about any of that stuff!!!

I have to say though, it’s been exhausting and I’ve really missed my team mate!!  Thursday in particular was really rough, Arthur was in an awful awful mood ALL day.
He threw tantrums left right and centre!
Looking back now though they are already kinda funny….
We went to the shop and they had strawberries (a special treat here) so I bought them for Arthur as he loves them.
We get home and I cut some up for him.  He went to the fridge to say he wanted a snack and when I gave him the strawberries he FREAKED out (because they hadn’t come from the fridge what a diva!!) I then made the mistake of trying to give him a drink…..
My lovely next door neighbours came to the back door to check all was ok and to give me a break.  Arthur saw them and their cat Smudge and was instantly all smiles and laughing.  So yeah, that felt good 🙁

Throughout the week we took silly selfies for Daddy, something we should do more!
Just the two of us
We’ve also had lots of snuggles, he’s been extra snuggley and loves to give cuddles to baby bump too!!

My friends have been amazing in making sure I’ve not felt isolated or too lonely I can’t thank them enough for that!

So it’s almost time for Mark to be home! Arthur and I are very excited! We’ve had a fun week just the two of us but I’m excited to get back to our family of three (plus bump of course!)




Linking up with Katie for the Ordinary Moments
The OrdinaryMoments







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