Freddie Ocean is 2 months old

Freddie Ocean is 2 months old!

Freddie Ocean is 2 months old

This month, Freddie had his 6 week check up at the doctors.  I was told he was very strong and that he will be tall (not taking after me then!!!)

He weighed 4.695kg which means he had gained 1.6kg!  So nice to see he’s thriving on my milk!
Interestingly, the doctor, who was Cuban, told me that she thought he looked “a little jaundice”.  I was pretty confused, he hadn’t been jaundice in hospital and to me his skin tone hadn’t changed.   She said she wanted me to take Freddie out in the sun in the mornings and to come back to see if that has helped.  By the end of the check up she looked at me and said “actually, he might be ok, you are a little bit yellow too!”

Yeah, thanks for that lady, just call me Marge!

So, I decided to take no notice after reassurance from friends and family that Freddie wasn’t jaundice!!
Freddie is becoming super smiley, it’s so lovely to see.  He really is such a happy baby.   He’s so chilled out too, still very happy to be held by anyone, he definitely loves cuddles!  Thankfully, he’s happier being put down too which is making it a little easier round the house!

Freddie Ocean is 2 months old.  Smiley baby

He is generally sleeping so well.  He tends to wake up 1-2 times at night, that is something I could have only dreamed of when Arthur was that age. I’m also absolutely loving that most days I’m having time when both Freddie and Arthur are napping, meaning I get some real ‘me time’ long may that continue!

We have had a couple times where he’s struggled to get off to sleep in the evening but it’s just been a few random times!

Freddie had a pretty special ‘island baby first’ this month!  When Freddie turned 6 weeks old we took him swimming just like we did when Arthur was 6 weeks old!

Freddie Ocean first swim at 6 weeks old

He took to the water straight away, just like his big brother did in true island baby style!
Not surprisingly he is now also really enjoying bath time, he used to not like it at all! I’m very relieved because it would be no fun living here if you don’t like the water!!

I’ll be back next month with another update for our little island baby!

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