Freddie Ocean is 1 month old

Today our tiny squishy boy Freddie Ocean is one month old!!

Freddie Ocean is 1 month old

I’ve been super unorganised and not yet written his birth story but I will get round to it!!

In all the cliche ways I don’t know how we are here already, but at the same time I feel like he’s always been with us!!

1 week old 2 weeks old
3 weeks old 4 weeks old

Freddie so far, has so far been an absolute dream.  I’m sure that this will all change as I’m being brave enough to write it down-I’ve barely allowed myself to say it out loud, but he feeds and sleeps like an absolute champ!!

On average he wakes and feeds twice a night.  He goes to sleep just after Arthur does and then has another feed at around 10 ish when we go to bed than around 1 and 4!

He is changing by the second and is getting so big it’s amazing!!  He is so close to being out of newborn clothes already, how can that be!!!!

We can’t believe how different babies can be!  We had assumed that he’d be just like Arthur.   Arthur struggled with feeding and therefore sleep a lot more than Freddie currently is!

We also constantly say how different that they looked and I just made a side by side comparison at 1 month old to prove that but ummm….
Arthur and Freddie 1 month old
Yeah they look a lot more similar here than I thought!!  Freddie is on the left!
But Freddie is a little more pointy than Arthur was!  His eyes are lighter too, we always were very sure that Arthur’s would be brown but right now we are feeling like Freddie’s will stay blue!
Freddie Ocean is one month old

Freddie is also such a contented little boy, happy to be held by anyone!!

He definitely prefers to be held though, this might start to be a challenging once we are in routine!  I have mum and dad here right now so he really can be held a lot of the time but when they are gone I think I’ll be needing to use the moby wrap a lot so I can keep Freddie happy and be able to play and entertain Arthur too!!

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