Freddie is 6 months old

Freddie is 6 months old.  Half a year already!

There is not a day that goes by where we don’t fall more in love with this little guy!

Freddie is 6 months old


I was certain that by the time I started writing this Freddie would have a tooth or two the amount he has been drooling and biting on things, but he is still our little toothless wonder!!  Teething has been horrible this last month.  We have really seen Freddie struggle with it, its been horrible.  I have to say that its also come as a bit of a shock to me.  That might sound sort of weird but Arthur’s teeth popped out a lot quicker than this and bothered him for a day or two but other than that he wasn’t too bad.  Another part of how different babies can be that we are realising!!

Weaning has now well and truly commenced and this month Freddie has certainly found his appetite!  This boy is absolutely loving his food now.  Initially he wasn’t so sure, but now he is unstoppable!!  He has so far loved everything we have given him.  Mostly he is still having puréed food, but that won’t be for much longer I don’t think.  I wanted to wait for Freddie to be able to sit up by himself before properly starting baby led weaning, he’s pretty much there now.

6 months old. Weaning.

So yes thats another thing, its a pretty big deal really!  Freddie is sitting up!!  Each day he is able to sit up for a little more.  He’s done around a minute or so now.  Its been amazing watching him get better and better at this.  Mark had to go to London for work at the start of this week and he couldn’t really sit up at all and now almost a week later and he’s able to do it so much better!  I took this picture the other day and it kinda sums up this week, Freddie looks so proud of himself sitting up, but at the same time a bit shocked.  He also looks very wobbly, which he was…he toppled over a couple seconds after that picture was taken.  It’s not the best quality picture as it was hurriedly snapped but it’s the first one I have of him sitting up so it will always be special!

6 months old.  Starting to sit up unaided


Sleep, its been tough this month I’m not going to lie.  I’m putting it down to teething.  Calpol does help anyway.  I’m not going to dwell on it, because I’m too tired and don’t want to get grumpy!!

Freddie still absolutely loves to be in the water.  Now we have a big showers in our new house he can splash around in the shallow water with lots of room.  Arthur is always there too and they love splashing together.  The swimming pool is also still a big favourite, he seems so comfortable and relaxed in the water.  That makes me so happy!!

I’ve got Freddie’s 6 month check up on Monday, so I’ll write about that another time.  Fingers crossed its all fine.

I can only hope that the next six months will see Freddie continuing to be the happy smiley little one that he has been so far.  I know he will carry on bringing us all so much happiness, far more than he will ever know I’m sure!

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