Freddie is 5 months old!

Freddie is 5 months old!

Freddie is 5 months old


Freddie is still the happiest baby ever, he is so smiley and so content.
He is properly laughing now and it is amazing!!  Most of Freddie’s laughs go to Arthur, he totally adores his big brother!  Another sure way to get Freddie laughing is giving him kisses and raspberries under his chin!

Thankfully he has been illness free this month!  After last month’s scare we hope he’s not Ill again for quite some time!

We are just starting weaning with Freddie now, I let him have a little taste of the juice from Arthur’s baked beans the other day and he loved it!  It was only a tiny drop on the end of my finger, he wanted more!!  He’s been taking a big interest in food, loves watching Arthur eat!  I really enjoyed weaning Arthur so I’m sure I’ll enjoy it with Freddie just as much!
Freddie’s very first food, the same as Arthur, was a little bit of porridge.  He seemed to really enjoy it, I’m looking forward to trying him on some more exciting things very very soon!

Freddie hasn’t been sleeping so great this month, we’ve started regularly having more than 3 wake ups a night.  I’m really struggling with this as he’s always slept so well. I’ve written a post all about how baby sleep can question everything you know about parenting, and I truly believe that!  Nothing brings out the crazy mama in me like obsessing over sleep for my boys!

This month Freddie has had his first swim in the Ocean, that’s a big first for a little boy!!  He went in with Mark and was really relaxed, he seemed to really like it…..perfect really since his middle name is Ocean, would be a bit awkward if he grows up not to like it!!  It was quite a cloudy day, which is perfect for a beach trip with the boys!

Freddie's first ocean swim at 5 months old
Like his first swim in the pool, we took him out before he got upset.  But honestly I think he would have stayed in all day, he is such a chilled out little guy.

For this next month I’m hoping to get sleep back on track, and to start experimenting with lots of fun foods for Freddie!



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