Great Date Days for the Whole Family

Going out together as a family is how you learn and bond together. It’s a great way to treat the kids, to have fun out as parents, and to show your children all the wonder that the world holds. From easy days out like a 

Raising A Child In A Bilingual Household

Raising a Child in a Bilingual Household If you and/or your spouse speak multiple languages, then one of the things you’ll need to decide is which ones you’ll use when speaking to your child. Many parents like the idea of raising bilingual children, but there 

The Next Step

So, I’ve been pretty absent from my blog for a little while now.  This past week, I think its really dawned on me why.   This is the year of change.  It’s time to starting thinking about what the next step will be for me. 

How to Juggle Expat Life, Family, and the Need for Sleep

How to Juggle Expat Life, Family, and the Need for Sleep Moving to a new country poses a whole bunch of challenges. This is even more true when you are moving with your family. The transition means uprooting almost every part of your lifestyle and 

Pulling my head out of the sand

So its been a while.  Well, longer than a while actually.   Every time a long school holiday comes around I make these plans that I’m going to continue blogging through the holidays….. And of course every year I never do. It’s not like I 

Arthur and Freddie May 2017

Arthur and Freddie May 2017 It’s been all back to ‘normal’ with school starting back up again, after having an amazing Easter break together last month I feel like only this week are we starting to settle back in to the routine of the school 

Win The War And Organize Your Kids’ Clothes

It’s hard enough organizing our own clothes sometimes. If you’re stuck with just a chest of drawers, finding space for everything can be a nightmare. Even if you’re lucky enough to have a walk-in closet, there can still be times when you wish you’d got