20 months

20 months old

Arthur is 20 months old!  Wow, it really feels like the count down to 2 is really on now.

I realised while looking for a picture for this post that I have definitely not taken enough photos this month.

Looking back on this month, it honestly feels like a blur.  I say that quite a lot, but this month I feel like we have kind of struggled through in a way!

Mark was away for 5 days and that was the first time  he’s been away for more than a day!  So, Arthur and I had some time just the two of us!  While we enjoyed it we were both very happy to have a Daddy home again!

We are getting ready to move house this weekend, so the house is a sea of boxes, bags and junk everywhere…..of course Arthur is loving that and being ‘very helpful’ unpacking stuff, refusing to let me pack toys he’s not played with in forever, and switching stuff between boxes!!!!

We’ve also had the fun of a burst pipe inside a wall resulting in us having to have he water off 99% of the time.  This has caused me a lot of stress and poor Arthur has had to deal with a grumpy mummy!  Our landlord decided he wouldn’t fix it until we moved out as it would be messy and he didn’t know how long it would take…!!!

On brighter notes…….

I’ve been really enjoying watching Arthur grow closer to Mark.  He absolutely adores his Daddy and his face lights up whenever he’s around.  There’s lots of “Dada” love at the moment for sure!!

In fact, I have to say that Arthur has been very affectionate in general this month.  The biting that had started again last month has stopped (phew!) and has been replaced by lots of cuddles and kisses!!

Arthur even kissed someone else for the first time!!!  A little girl at school!  It was very sweet but also sad! He had never kissed anyone except Mark and I!  He has now also given our next door neighbour a kiss too much to her delight!!

You may remember in Arthur’s 19 month update that I said we had started to put the side of the cot down to get Arthur ready for a big boy bed!  Well, we have pretty much said goodbye to 6am wake ups now and hello to 5-5:30 am wake ups instead!!!  While Mark was away this even became 4:30am!  We are putting him straight back into bed and putting the side of the cot up to try and get him to understand that’s not a good time to get up so we will see where  that goes in the next month!!  I think when we get into the new house this weekend we are going to put him straight into a bed, this might prove to be a horrible idea, watch this space!!!

Food is still going well, I’ve been slipping in more and more veg since he’s becoming less fussy again and for the most part it’s going very well, hurrah!!

Arthur really is so chatty!  He’s added a few new words including beach and cheese (he’s a cheese fiend!!).  Unfortunately his favourite word seems to be ‘Noooooooooo’ he’s says it in such a funny and serious way we can’t help but laugh!
There are lots of half words flying about at the moment too.  I’m not sure why this is the case, we make sure we repeat back the full word to him but also let him know we’ve understood him, hopefully that’s the right thing to be doing!


Arthur is also loving mama’s baby bump which is super cute!  He gives loads of cuddles, says “baby” and kisses it!


Think thats all all for this moth!  Next month here’s hoping we are well and truly settled into our new home!

2 thoughts on “20 months”

  • Completely out of touch but didn’t realise you are expecting again? When are you due? Congrats! How exciting. Lovely update about Arthur. What a cutie. I love your blog so much I have nominated you for a Liebster Award. It’s just a bit of fun, but I hope you’ll want to join in! Just check out my latest blog post to find out more. x
    Polly Mixtures recently posted…The Liebster AwardMy Profile

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