19 months

19 months

19 months old!  I can’t believe how much and how fast Arthur is changing at the moment. 

Arthur turned 18 months in Sri Lanka and we had another week there before we headed back to Seychelles.  He was truly amazing while we were away.  I’ve said that before, but we really were so proud of him!

We got back and had a few days to get into the swing of Seychelles life before Mark had to go back to work.
The rest of this month has gone by in an absolute blur.

Arthur had his 18 month jabs and polio drops.  He was really very poorly after this, it was awful.  He had a bad fever was sick and slept awfully which was hard on us all.
Almost straight off the back of that Arthur picked up a bug at school from our little weekly Tuesday visits. Again, he had a fever.  This time it was accompanied by a runny nose and a cough which he still hasn’t shaken off.  
It’s been really difficult to see our little guy being poorly as he really really never is ill at all.

We are starting to get Arthur ready for his first big boy bed.  We’ve started leaving the side of the cot down so he can get in and out himself.  So far this has been successful in that he goes to bed without a fuss and we don’t hear from him until he comes running into our room excitedly at around 6am.  It’s really cute hearing his little feet coming and he’s always so happy to see us!!
We also are now into full swing with our cloth nappies, even using them at night.  I’ll be doing a review of the baba&boo nappies we bought so look at for that soon!

We seem to be mostly back on track with eating, although, Arthur has definitely discovered that it’s more fun to snack and carry on playing then sitting up the table which is proving to be a bit annoying but he’s eating loads and so at least I know he’s getting what he needs!

He’s becoming more and more chatty and I think this month we will start to see a lot more words appearing.  
He’s started saying car and gives lots of “broom brooms”, down, more, ball, and a few others I can’t think of right now (bad mama)….oh “pa pa” for peppa pig as he shoves the TV remote in my face!!
He’s on the edge of lots of words too saying the first half of them! 

There are still plenty of tantrums to keep me on my toes, mostly they seem to be related to him wanting to snack some more despite insisting he wants to get down from the table!!  Luckily, these are still very short lived and it takes very little for him to get over it!

Arthur has also started biting me again, only me thank goodness, but it really hurts.  I’m hoping it’s just a phase.  Unfortunately, he seems to find it quite funny (little toad).  
On the other hand he is also now giving me proper little kisses which is possibly the best and most lovely thing ever ever ever!!!!

Something that continues to surprise me, is how independent he is.  He’s very happy to wonder around, especially outside or if we are at school and explore on his own, make his own entertainment.  Considering Arthur spends most of his time with just me, it makes me really proud that he’s confident enough to do this.

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