16 months

16 months old

Arthur is now 16 months old, we have loved this month with him.

He is changing so much right now I wish I could bottle up every moment!

I love how much he says yes accompanied with full body nodding. The other day when he said that ‘yes’ he was finished but also ‘yes’ he wanted more, I asked him if he just said yes to everything I say and he shook his head for no!!! We laughed so much! He says “gone” and lifts his hands to show all gone for lots of different things, I really must try harder to get a picture of it because it’s so cute! His words for “cat” “dog” and “bird” are becoming clearer and clearer all the time too.

Arthur absolutely LOVES animals, oh and babies, he loooooves babies! Any we see gets stroked with “ahhh’s” just like Mark and I get!

He’s becoming a lot better at entertaining himself and is starting to show more of an interest in his toys. Stacking cups are still a big favourite (seriously, best toy ever to buy for a kid!), as are any types of ball!

His love of being outside has not diminished in anyway, we are getting out earlier and earlier, with a new favourite going out in the garden at 6:30am to throw a ball around. I love that he loves to be outside, I love it a little less at that time though if I’m honest!
Arthur is having more and more fun every time we go to the beach, he’s so adventurous and loves spending time there!

We had a particularly messy, messy play incident this month!

A huge change for our little guy is that this month we started to take Arthur into school once a week, just for an hour. We go into the early years class (3year olds) and he absolutely loves it. There are no toddler groups or anything here and so he’s loving all the interaction he gets with other kids at school!

Nap times are back on track I’m relieved to say!

Fussy eating for the moment still seems to be a thing of a past which is great! Arthur is having times where he wants to eat LOADS and times where he doesn’t want to eat very much at all. I’m not letting myself worry about it. He lets me know, very clearly, if he wants food….still plenty of taking us to the fridge.

We are definitely getting some toddler tantrums now! I have to say, Mark and I find them really funny! It’s amazing how he can make himself so difficult to pick up! He throws himself to the floor and feels like a tonne of bricks to lift! It’s over such funny things, like not being able to have a shower whenever he feels like it, the square not fitting in the round hole on the shape sorter….you know the really Important things in life!!

Think that’s all for now! I hope this next month is as full of fun as this month has been!


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